Affiliate Tune




Create affiliate music review pages for iTunes and Amazon with this cool WP plugin! Use the review area to create Search-Engine Optimized content to direct traffic to Your Affiliate pages!
Here’s your golden opportunity to cash in on the highly popular music industry from the Giants online, iTunes and Amazon.
Sure I don’t have to tell you how large and how profitable the music business is.
Just image all the different artists and albums you could promote. I can tell you, you won’t run out of artists to sell, there are just to many, and a TON of money to make!
I can think of a number of ways to put this to work for you and make bank:
  • Create websites for a give artist
  • Create websites for a given genre
That’s just quickly off the top of my head. Just those two models right there, you could build your own music selling empire and pull in some nice commission checks.
Features and Options:
Review Settings
  • Main Headline
  • Thumbnail of Album/Artist
  • Review Stars
  • Album Name
  • Artist Name
  • Review Blurb
  • Footer Text
Design Options
  • Headline Typography
  • Transparent Background
Add BG Video
  • Video URL (mp4, ogg, ect) will play silently without sound.
Affiliate Seup
  • Amazon Affiliate Link for Album Being Reviewed
  • iTunes Affiliate Link for Album Being Reviewed
Track Listing
  • Track Title
  • YouTube ID
  • Option to add up to 14 different tracks.
Plugin is super easy to install and use. We also included instructions to make it even easier.
Product Rights:
[YES] You CAN sell this product.
[YES] You CAN sell this product with resale rights.
[YES] You CAN sell this product with master resale rights.
[YES] You CAN add this product to a paid membership with resale rights.
[YES] You CAN use this product as a bonus.
[NO] You CANNOT give this product away.
[NO] You CANNOT sell this product with private label rights.
[NO] You CANNOT add this to a free membership.